Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Distance over Time: Rebranding the Sons of Heimdall blog

Of late, what was previously a minor annoyance has grated on my nerves and begun to irritate me beyond my tolerance. I am speaking of the "Vikingisation" of heathenry and other forms of nordic... well, nordic anything really. You can't express an interest in the history of Europe - northwestern Europe in particular - without someone bringing up the pesky raiders.

It has become abundantly clear that I am somewhat more viking-averse than a large proportion of heathens. Not for me the dressing up like Floki or Lagertha. Face paint doesn't make my heart flutter in anticipation of runic inscriptions across my less than angelic face. My personal brand of heathenry demands only civlian dress (often combats and a heavy metal band t-shirt) and my path is focused very much in the here and now.

The "viking age" gets way too much attention for what it is. A couple of hundred years in which some criminal-minded psychopaths decided to go stealing stuff from across the water. I appreciate the romanticised image of violence appeals to some people - but it's not like it's the only violent period in European history. Further, it's not even the most violent period. The crusades were pretty horrible. Innumerable wars have been fought in various places. What is so special about vikings? They wouldn't have looked like underwear models, like they do in certain popular tv shows. Spirituality existed prior to the viking age and evidence from the iron age and roman times arguably tell us more than evidence from the limited period in which those pirate raids were ongoing.

So, what I am half proposing to myself in my head, is to reduce the viking footprint in this site. Remove all reference to this as a "viking blog". That's not to say I won't mention vikings now and again. I won't forbid myself from referencing the viking age and its sources, either. But this will be a heathen/"pre-christian, indigenous European spirituality and culture" blog. Providing I can find a more catchy label.

Fear not, though! This will still be essentially my place to discuss heathenry, my path and everything else. The aesir and vanir, landvaettir and ancestors are as much a part of my path as they ever were. I'm just distancing myself from the whole "heathenry is the viking religion" fallacy.

Watch this space.

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